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The conference is held with the aim of summarizing international experience in the field of computer science, information technology and intelligent decision-making systems. The conference will present scientific research aimed at solving the following problems:
- Development of scientific and practical proposals in order to formulate recommendations for the development of digital and information systems;
-   Popularization of fundamental and applied research in the field of information technologies and systems;
-  Formation of recommendations aimed at improving computer models, information technologies, engineering, innovative and digital technologies.


Teachers, young scientists, scientists from various research and educational institutions, as well as representatives of government agencies are invited to participate.


At the plenary session, prominent scientists from China, Russia, and Uzbekistan in the field of computer science and information technology will make presentations.


The international program and organizing committee include scientists from research and educational institutions, as well as representatives of various fields of activity and industries.


Conference history

Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Information Technologies and Intelligent Decision Making Systems" (ITIDMS2021) were published in Communications in Computer and Information Science, volume 1703.

Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Information Technologies and Intelligent Decision Making Systems" (ITIDMS2022) were published in Communications in Computer and Information Science, volume 1821.

Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Information Technologies and Intelligent Decision Making Systems" (ITIDMS2023) were published in Communications in Computer and Information Science, volume 2112.

Conference organizer

Key Date

May 15, 2024 — The first information;

November 27, 2024 — The end of registration and acceptance of articles;

December 07, 2024 — The end of the review and publication of the conference program;

December 11-13, 2024 — A conference.

Conference Programme

Conference Programme will be available later.